The Peninsula

The Fiction and Poetry Archive of Liana Mir and scribblemyname



“I love you.” The words were spoken hesitantly enough, slow and thoughtful, with that gleam in Dazai’s eyes that meant he found them just as strange as his hearer did.

That didn’t make his hearer believe them.

Chuuya stared at him, eyes hard, heart full of doubt. “Did you ever love anything or anyone in your life?”

Dazai drew back, visibly stung. “How rude, hatrack. Even you knew about Oda.”

Chuuya hissed through his teeth. Yes, he knew about Oda. Dazai had never looked at Chuuya like he’d looked at Oda.

Dazai? Love Chuuya? He scoffed. “I don’t believe you.”